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Vickie Foster
Feb 5, 20242 min read
Puppy Bowl XX and Game Day Pup Friendly Treats
Need a break from football? Try tuning in to the Puppy Bowl XX and Kitty Half-Time Show. The rousing canine match takes place on Sunday,...

Vickie Foster
Jan 19, 20242 min read
Best Cat Litters for Odor Control
We know you love your furry feline, but litter box odor is a pet parent’s bane. Even the most fastidious scooper can wind up with...

Vickie Foster
Jan 2, 20241 min read
Do you want a dog with cat traits? Check out the Basenji.
Are you looking for a new dog, but prefer cat traits too? Look no further than the catlike Basenji, a dog from Africa that is compact,...

Vickie Foster
Dec 6, 20231 min read
Can Dogs Tell Time?
Dogs have an uncanny ability to know when it's time for certain daily events. Mealtime, walk time and the arrival of their favorite human...

Vickie Foster
Nov 20, 20232 min read
Does Your Dog Have a Super Power?
Your dog can’t shoot lasers out of his toenails, but he can see in the dark much better than humans can. The reason lies in your furry...

Vickie Foster
Oct 23, 20232 min read
2023 DIY Dog Halloween Costumes
Howl-oween is creeping up on the calendar. Do you have your furry pal’s costume ready? If not, take a peek at our suggestions for DIY...
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