Halloween lands on a Sunday this year and that means a fun Halloween weekend for you and your pup. You can let everyone know your dog is the cutest pup-kin in the patch with one of these costume ideas!
Of course, all the following costumes should be made with safety in mind. Make sure your dog can see and breathe easily. Allow your dog to move safely and just to be on the safe side don’t let your Halloween howler go unsupervised when wearing a costume. Now that we got that safety talk out of the way, let’s dive right in!
Pup S’more
This is an easy and cute costume that you can make with a minimal amount of supplies!
Supplies to make costume:
White dog t-shirt like this one here or child's t-shirt that will fit your pup
1-2 large pieces of brown felt (depending on your dog's size)
Hot glue gun and glue
A large piece of cardboard (you may also use another piece for a second cracker)
Black sharpie
Steps to making the costume:
Cut some melty chocolate drips from the brown felt.
Glue the chocolate felt drips to the back and sides of the white shirt.
Now, cut out a square piece of cardboard for the graham cracker.
Use your black sharpie to draw a dotted line down the center of your cardboard for the line where you would break the cracker in two!
Then add some dots to make it look like a delicious cracker.
Finally, glue your cracker to the shirt and now your dog is a S’more!
Doggy Dinosaur
Turn a regular hoodie into a cool dinosaur dog costume! After all, what dog wouldn’t want to be a roaring dinosaur?
Supplies to make costume:
Dog hoodie like this one here or a child’s hoodie that fits your pup
1-2 pieces of colored felt
Cardboard (medium-sized)
Hot glue gun and glue
Sewing needle and sewing string
Steps to making the costume:
If you are using a child’s hoodie, cut off the sleeves to shorten them to your dog’s leg size. You’ll also need to cut the length down to fit your dog’s torso and remove the drawstring from the hood for safety.
Cut 2 triangles out of felt for each dino spike you plan on making.
You’ll want to reinforce the spike with cardboard so cut triangular pieces out of the cardboard that are slightly smaller than your felt.
Hot glue or sew the 2 felt triangles together leaving an opening at the bottom for the cardboard triangles. Slip the cardboard in the center of each felt spike. Repeat this for every spike.
Sew or hot glue the triangles to the “backbone” of your dinosaur.
If you are using glue, wait for this to dry before trying it on your pup. Now your dog is ready to be a fur-ocious dinosaur!
Ninja Turtle Pup
Cowabunga! Are you ready to turn your pup into a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? Even if they don’t know the ancient art of ninjutsu, we know your dog will make a great Ninja Turtle!
Supplies to make costume:
1 aluminum foil turkey baking pan (whatever size best fits your dog)
1 green doggie t-shirt that you can buy here or an adult/child's t-shirt that will fit your pup
Green & brown paint
Sponge brush
Colored ribbon (depending on what Ninja Turtle you choose!)
Scissors and X-ACTO knife
Mod Podge optional (this will help prevent the paint from chipping off the foil)
Steps to making the costume:
Paint the outside of the turkey pan with the brown paint first using a dabbing technique. Let the brown paint dry for at least 20 mins.
Next, add the green paint to the pan using the same dabbing technique. Make sure that you can see the brown through the dabbing to make the shell look more realistic.
After the green paint is dry, you may add your layer of Mod Podge.
Make a slit in the pan halfway down each long side under the lip.
Insert the colored ribbon through the slits and over the shell.
Put your dog’s green t-shirt on and tie the ribbon under your dog’s belly in a bow.
Tie another length of ribbon around your dog’s collar like a scarf. Now your pup is ready to join the Ninja Turtle squad!
Rocket Dog
If Jeff Bezos can go to space so can your pup! Make an out-of-this-world rocket costume for your dog and get ready for fun!
Supplies to make costume:
2 soda bottles in a 2-liter size
Silver spray paint
Duct tape
Orange, red, and yellow tissue paper
Hot glue gun and glue
Computer and color printer
Dog harness
Steps to making the costume:
Spray paint your two plastic bottles and let dry overnight.
While your bottles are drying you may cut out flames from your colored tissue paper.
Print out a NASA logo to glue onto your rocket pack later.
Once the bottles are dry, glue them together using your hot glue gun.
Duct tape your tissue flames to the cap end of the bottles.
Attach the NASA logo print-out with tape or glue.
Finally, attach your rocket pack to your harness by using Duct tape. Just like that, your pup is ready for space!
So there you have it, four easy DIY Howl-o-ween costumes! Don't worry, there is still some time to decide on your dog’s costume (and even yours) so we hope this inspired you. If you do end up making any of the costumes above, please send us a picture!
All proceeds from Thousand Hills Pet Resort support New Life K9s. New Life K9s provides service dogs to veterans and first responders with PTSD at no cost to them.